
Appointments are fifteen-minute intervals.

It is best to generally have one doctor, so please let the staff know who your usual doctor is when booking. We do all share the notes here so if necessary all doctors have access to your records.

Running Overtime

Sometimes emergencies occur, and we cannot avoid going overtime. If you have multiple issues it is best to make several appointments so proper and careful consideration can be give to each problem.

If you go over your 10 min time slot, the doctor may ask you to reschedule for another day. This decision is always is made in your best interests, as well as considering other patients waiting to see the doctor. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated.

If you wish, you can phone the practice before your appointment to check whether your doctor is running on time.

Long Consults

If you have more than one issue, or have a complicated issue, double appointments are available. Please let the staff know the reason for this, unless it is confidential. We like to know what the problem is for double appointments ahead of time so proper scheduling can take place. Some doctors at the practice like to book their own double appointments.


We ask for 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel your appointment. We may charge for non-attendance of a booked appointment.

Appointment Reminders

We are able to send an SMS reminder to your mobile phone the day before your appointment. If you are interested in this service, please provide reception with your mobile phone contact details.